A series of trainings on papaya production, costs and returns and value chain aspects was conducted by commercial papaya farmer and FO leader Livai Tora, for the farmers’ organizations in Tonga including the Growers Federation of Tonga (GroFed), Hahake Farmer’s Association, Nishi Growers, MORDI and Women in Horticulture Groups.

These trainings were funded through the MTCP 2 programme.

The five day training commencing April 08, 2015 was split into three sessions with the first session of participants being 22 growers from Hahake at Mala’evakapuna over the first two days, the second comprising of 20 Hihifo growers over the third day at the Nishi Farm in ‘Utulau, and the final session consisting of 26 growers from ‘Eua island from 13th – 14th April.

The papaya production training was aimed at assisting the growers planning to grow and export papaya in turn contributing to PIFON’s objective of providing national FOs with key contacts, information and the technical expertise required to enable their members to better participate in commercial agriculture and at the same time increasing the productivity and environmental sustainability of their members’ farming operations.



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